Thursday, June 11, 2009

glbt pride book displays

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cruise by the 2nd floor east lobby and peruse the sociology and religion book displays in commemoration of glbt history and the 40th anniversary of the stonewall riots. pick up a few books and a copy of President Obama's National GLBT month proclamation too!

some highlights:
locas: the maggie and hopey stories - jamie hernandez
741.5973 H557

queer 13: lesbian and gay writers recall 7th grade
- ed. clifford chase
372.1826 Q3

que(e)rying religion: a critical anthology
- ed. gary david comstock
200.8664 Q35

reading the l word - outing contemporary television
- ed. kim akass
791.4565 R287

stonewall: the riots that started the gay revolution
- david carter
306.766 C3233

transgender history
- susan stryker
306.768 S928

check out for upcoming festivities!

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